Learner Profiles & Attributes
Differentiating, Individualizing, or Personalizing Instruction requires knowing each students’ strengths and areas of growth. Wizer’s Learner Profile system helps you do just that.
To access the Learner Profiles of your students, click on Learners
There, you will see all the students (i.e., Learners) in your class (brown arrows).
You will also have the ability to select a:
A. Specific class (versus seeing all the students)
B. Specific rule and all the learners associated with that rule
Clicking on a student’s email or name will bring you to the student’s profile page
On each page, you will see:
A. The classes in which the student is enrolled.
B. The differentiation rules that apply to the student for worksheets.
C. A description of the student’s strengths, areas of growth, etc.
D. Learner Attributes - these 4 categories allow you to place phrases, keywords, descriptors which are then used to help classify and assign differentiation rules to worksheets. Please note that it is helpful to have a set of words for each category that can be used for each student. To add an attribute, simply click on the “+” sign.
Below the attributes is the student’s Performance Summary that graphs the student’s achievement on all assigned worksheets (see below).
To access the Learner Profiles of your students, click on Learners
There, you will see all the students (i.e., Learners) in your class (brown arrows).
You will also have the ability to select a:
A. Specific class (versus seeing all the students)
B. Specific rule and all the learners associated with that rule
Clicking on a student’s email or name will bring you to the student’s profile page
On each page, you will see:
A. The classes in which the student is enrolled.
B. The differentiation rules that apply to the student for worksheets.
C. A description of the student’s strengths, areas of growth, etc.
D. Learner Attributes - these 4 categories allow you to place phrases, keywords, descriptors which are then used to help classify and assign differentiation rules to worksheets. Please note that it is helpful to have a set of words for each category that can be used for each student. To add an attribute, simply click on the “+” sign.
Below the attributes is the student’s Performance Summary that graphs the student’s achievement on all assigned worksheets (see below).
Updated on: 20/04/2022
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